To feel better through food, you need to look for nutrients known for boosting the production of feel-good brain chemicals and fighting off the effects of stress in the body. And walnuts, oatmeal, and tea fit the bill, according to Roberta Lee, MD, author of The SuperStress Solution.
Good-Mood Comfort Food
Oatmeal: This grain is rich in tryptophan, a building block for the feel-good chemical serotonin. And you won't feel hungry and grouchy an hour later.
Tea: A spot of tea may give you just the mood and performance boost you desire. Additionally, research links tea drinking to lower rates of depression. And studies show that the very act of preparing tea may soothe nerves.
Walnuts: These nuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a type of fat that your nerve cells and brain chemicals love. They need it to function. Research shows that omega-3s may also help ward off depression.